Design and Writing

Culture has bequeathed us the status of mere supermarket repositories. As exemplary staffers, we put each of the things on their shelves, that is, in easily recognizable categories. A discourse, following its ideological tendency – its absence is a tendency -, determines tastes and attitudes and, more extremist, the denial of a certain fact. >>>

Visual identity systems

After World War II, the design effectively contributed to trade relations within the capitalist mode of production. Through visual identity systems, companies found a model that allowed the much-desired universality in the way they communicate, necessary to reach different markets and cultures. Olivetti, IBM, and many others have applied such systems. >>>

Marcas únicas: efeito Contraste

O que é um ponto vermelho sobre um fundo branco? Chapeuzinho Vermelho perdida no Ártico. E o que é um ponto branco sobre um fundo vermelho? Um apaixonado santista perdido no meio da torcida do Internacional de Porto Alegre. >>>

Forgotten by Art

The subject is arid, subject to controversy and formed by oxidizing matter. It is only necessary the introduction to the public and we become all versed in it. And the sparks pop up everywhere. However, it is a relevant subject for a few. And the few people who are interested are passionate about the issues  >>>